The Regional Secretariat of Molise is a regional office of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities and for Tourism.
It ensures the coordination of the peripheral structures of the Ministry in the region, takes care of the Ministry's relations with the other local authorities and institutions involved in the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and carries out all the activities listed in the Prime Ministerial Decree 169/2019.
The Regional Secretariat of Molise plays a fundamental role in the promotion of the regional mountainous, hilly, rural landscapes and encourages and supports the development of tourism policies in the region.
It is engaged in the rehabilitation and promotion of historical villages and pasture lands used during the seasonal transhumance.
It is also very active in the re-enactment of ancient festivals and traditions, traditional food recipes, old craftsmanship as well as in the promotion of old dialects and folk music.
Molise also presents many important archaeological excavations and museums which date back to prehistory, as well as to the Roman-Samnitic era and to the Medieval Times.
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